Late afternoon, ping pong with friends. Grabbed just a couple shots to keep up the daily project. (Project 365: Day 16)
Daily Collection
I spent some time this afternoon out at the abandoned construction site nearby. Got a variety of images I wanted to share. (Project 365: Day 15)
Early Matilija Poppy
Our giant matilija poppy bushes are full of leafy growth, and the first few poppies have peeked out in advance of a deluge of hundreds of them. Following is one of the pioneers, taken well after sunset in very low light. (Project 365: Day 14)
Weekend In Pictures
Saturday: dessert at a small family get-together after baby Bailey’s baptism. Sunday: John and myself built an impressive super-hero fort for Caleb who hit the big oh-four. Monday: abstract at our new D+W offices. Project 365: Days 11-13.
Firefly Luminary
Paint swatches for our new offices. Fast internet and good color is pretty much all we need… (Project 365: Day 10)
In a Corner of a Coffee House
A quick photo from the Ojai Coffee Roasting Co. using the miniaturization effect (aka tilt shift), where a band of about 25% of the image just below the center point of the photo is in focus, and the rest is out of focus. This effect is pretty amazing when looking down on cars or people from an elevated location, and still kind of cool from a barstool in a coffee house (Day 9, Project 365).
Portrait of Buddha
Day 8 of Project 365. Took a bunch of outdoor photos, but it’s still pretty early in the afternoon and the colors were washed out – nothing excited me. Came inside and captured this image of Buddha on an altar in front of one Ali Sun’s early oil paintings.
Project 365: Day 7
Completing a full week of the photo-a-day Project 365.
Project 365: Day 6
Project 365: Day 5
I’m going to try taking and posting a photo a day for 365 days. This is not a new idea.
I’m giving myself a rule that it will be ok to back-date a post or otherwise reference a previous day’s photo as long as the photo itself was taken in the daily sequence. Since I re-launched this site on March 23rd, I’ve taken photos and posted on four consecutive days. So my first ‘official’ Project 365 post starts on Day 5. Good luck, you’re all counting on me.